Since I was a child, until I was 21 I experienced constipation and headaches nearly every day of my life. I eventually learned that the headaches were caused by “auto-intoxication” from poisons building up within my system. When I was 21 I started my quest into natural healing which continues to this day. The 10-Point Colon Cleanse recipe and all the supportive modalities are a result of my own experimentation with various alternative healing modalities. My wish is that this information would be of help to anyone else who may be dealing with these types of conditions. My primary work is as a pianist, composer and piano teacher. I am not a doctor or a chemist or an herbalist. I am not dispensing prescriptions or advice for a fee. I’m just offering information here that you might find helpful. I wish you success in your own healing goals and I look forward to hearing from you.
Howard B. Richman